Curating Youth Literature
Reading is a Right, Not a Privilege
What's The Story Morning Glory?
Welcome to my blog all about youth literature and other fun forms of media meant to target the young adult audience today!
This blog was made for the INFO 265 course at San Jose State University, and will be a project culminated over the Autumn season of 2024. I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy reading YA!
Scroll down to see my posts.
Project Reflection
Alas, we have reached the end of our journey - so, what did we learn? It seems that young adults continue to have varied interests, although their interests tend to still live in the world of fiction with very little non-fiction being produced for them. They love all sorts of genres, but steer away from things too controversial (well, except for explicit lyrics in music).
Overall, the general quality of young adults novels and entertainment still seems to be consistent with where it was a decade ago when I was in high school, but in some cases the novels published feel like they came straight from a fan fiction site (but then again, Twilight was a fan fiction of the band My Chemical Romance, so who am I to judge?).
Thanks for being part of the journey!​